Fjallraven families とその用途


Families and activities

スウェーデン語で翻訳かけてもうまく機能しなかったが検索を使って調べてみると、Abisko(国立公園)Kebnekaise(山)の省略でKebSingi(ラップランドの山小屋)、Greenland jacketはGreenland遠征から名前をとっているのでそのまんまで、Vardagはスウェーデン語で日常らしい。OvikはÖvikという町の名前らしく、Örnsköldsvikの短縮形。Bergtagenはどうも山に住むトロールの神話(?)かなにかからきているらしい。


Bergtagen is the old Swedish word for 'taken by the mountains'.


Our new mountaineering collection, Bergtagen, is based on a now rarely recalled legend. This Swedish word was used to warn people away from mountains. It was wrapped in myth; a myth about trolls living in mountain caves. These trolls would kidnap lonesome mountain wanders, often forever. If those bold, curious explorers did manage to return to normal life in the valley they were changed beyond recognition. They were anything but normal; they had gone mad. Their minds lost to the mountains.


These days, now that mountain exploring – from trekking at low altitudes to climbing the highest peaks – is commonplace, the word has taken on a new meaning. But an echo of the original definition remains. These days the word is used to describe the obsession for being among nature’s giants. To describe that feeling of being captivated and humbled by their size and greatness.


で、viddaってなにさ? 調べ方を変えて、Scandinavian Mountainsの記事の中で何か引っかかるものはないかな、と思って検索をかけたところHardangerviddaがあった。ここでのviddaは高原の意味のようだ。